
Conference Program
Welcome to the News pages for the Virtual IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering (QCE20) or IEEE Quantum Week, October 12-16, 2020.
Job Seekers: Check out the exciting quantum jobs available from our QCE20 supporters!
Now On-Demand IEEE Quantum Week until Nov 30
The QCE20 Final Conference Program is now published. We are thrilled to inform you that 800+ quantum enthusiasts are registered for IEEE Quantum Week.
A big thank to all authors, organizers, presenters, and attendees for all your help, patience, and support in making QCE20 a success! We are thrilled to engage with you in this highly interdisciplinary and inaugural IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE20).
October 2020
- QCE20 In the News
- IEEE Quantum Podcast Series: A Conversation with Travis Scholten
- Architectural Guidelines and Best Practices for Scalable Circuit QED Quantum Computing
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology
- IEEE Technology and Management Engineering Society
- Quantum Computing Entrepreneurship
- IEEE Computer Society – Region 5
- The recordings of QCE20 are now available on-demand on the virtual platform at
Registered QCE20 attendees can watch and play the recordings of 270+ hours of IEEE Quantum Week Keynotes, Tutorials, Workshops, Technical Paper presentations, Poster presentations, Panel & Birds-of-Feather discussions until the end of November. We are thrilled to inform you that 850+ quantum enthusiasts registered and attended the live event.
If you missed the live event, it is not too late!
You can enjoy 270 hours of IEEE Quantum Week programming ON-DEMAND until Nov 30, 2020 at reduced registration rates. -
Register for the On-Demand IEEE Quantum Week — QCE20 Now at reduced registration rates.
- The IEEE Quantum Week Virtualization platform is now live for duly registered participants at
- We are thrilled to inform you that 850+ quantum enthusiasts registered for the live event of IEEE Quantum Week.
September 2020
- IEEE Quantum Experts Podcast — Episode 3: A Conversation with Travis Scholten, Quantum Computing Applications Researcher, IBM Quantum
- QCE20 Full Program V80
- QCE20 Sessions Explorer
- IEEE Hyderabad Section — Quantum Week Satellite Event
- Final Digital Recording and Uploading Guidelines
- Please consider attending the Women in Quantum Summit II on Tue, Sep 29-Fri, Oct 2, 2020 sponsored by QCE20 Platinum Sponsors IBM Quantum and Honeywell Quantum Solutions
- CMC Microsystems signed up as QCE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- IEEE Computer Society welcomes members of the Media to QCE20
- Jobs Board — Check out the exciting jobs available from our QCE20 supporter
- Oxford Instruments signed up as QCE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- Attendee Onboarding to virtual platform starts: Mon, Sep 28
- Uploading of Tutorials, Papers, Workshops, Panels, and Posters materials including videos, slides, and release forms starts: Mon, Sep 21
- QCE20 Presentation Consent and Release for Tutorials, Papers, Workshops, Panels, and Posters: Download
- Author registration deadline: Extended to Wed, Sep 30
- Advance registration deadline: Extended to Wed, Sep 30
- Call for Birds-of-Feather Sessions deadline Sep 28
- Onboarding for registered organizers, presenters, and attendees to QCE20 Virtualization Platform starts Mon, Sep 28
- Advance registration deadline Sep 12
- QDevil signed up as QCE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- Geosync Microwave signed up as QCE20 Supporter
- ??? IBM Blog Post on IEEE Quantum Week by Travis Scholten
August 2020
- QCE20 Full Program Online V46
- seeQC signed up as QCE20 Bronze Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- Harrisburg University signed up as QCE20 Supporter
- NetLabs signed up as QCE20 Bronze Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- Pasqal signed up as QCE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- Author registration deadline Aug 15
- Aug 12 Press Release
- Accepted posters announced
- Preliminary Digital Presentation Guidelines posted for all program categories — Keynotes, Technical Papers, Tutorials, Workshops, Panels, Posters — Please visit these pages for more instructions as we transition to the digital platform. Thank you very much for all your help and support in making Digital QCE20 a great success
- Panel by Microsoft on Bringing Quantum Programming into Quantum Computing Education
- Panel by Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C) on Enabling and Growing the Quantum Industry
- QCE20 Posters Submissions are open until August 4.
July 2020
- Bluefors signed up as QCE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- Elyah signed up as QCE20 Bronze Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- QCE20 Accepted Technical Papers have been posted.
- QCE20 Accepted Panels have been posted.
- Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation and as of July 14, 2020, the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering (QCE20) or IEEE Quantum Week, October 12-16, 2020 cannot be held in Broomfield, Colorado and, thus, will be held as a virtual or digital-only conference.
- QCE20 registration fees have been simplified and reduced due to being a digital-only conference.
- QCE20 hotel reservations are closed now due to the COVID-19 situation.
June 2020
- Yu Chen, Google AI Quantum signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- QCE20 Poster submission deadline July 31
- Zapata Computing signed up as QCE20 Gold Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- Quantropi signed up as QCE20 Gold Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (TQC) signed up as QCE20 Supporter
May 2020
- Alexander Condello, D-Wave Systems signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- QCE20 Technical paper submission deadlines extended to May 22
- Second QCE20 Press Release
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) signed up as QCE20 Supporter
- Register for QCE20 Tutorials
- Register for QCE20 Workshops
- QCE20 Registration Open
- QCE20 Hotel Reservations Open
Apr 2020
- Delft Circuits signed up as QCE20 Bronze Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- QCE20 Tutorials Program published
- QCE20 Workshops Program published
- QCE20 Keynote Speakers
Mar 2020
- Tutorial and workshop proposal submission deadlines extended to April 3 due to coronavirus
- QCE20 COVID-19 Alerts
- Patty Lee, Honeywell Quantum Solutions signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- Xanadu signed up as QCE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- Extended QCE20 Full Tutorial Proposal submission deadline to April 3
- Extended QCE20 Full Workshop Proposal submission deadline to April 3
- QCE20 Virtual Program Board Meeting, March 12
Feb 2020
- TQE — IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering — signed up as a QCE20 Exhibitor
- Toptica signed up as a QCE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- Honeywell signed up as a QCE20 Platinum Exhibitor and Corporate sponsor
- ColdQuanta signed up as a QCE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate sponsor
- NC State up as a QCE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- IEEE Quantum Week 2020 progress report presented to the IEEE Future Directions Committee in Orlando
- Registration website published
- QCE20 submissions via EasyChair are open
Jan 2020
- Microsoft Research signed up as second QCE20 Platinum Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- First TQE Issue published — IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering
- QCE20 submissions via EasyChair are open — Tutorial & Workshops proposals, Technical Papers
- Jerry Chow, IBM Research signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- 1st Anniversary of IEEE Quantum
Dec 2019
- IBM Research — IBM Q Experience signed up as the first QCE20 Platinum Exhibitor and corporate Sponsor
- Q-CTRL signed up as the first QE20 Silver Exhibitor and Corporate Sponsor
- EasyChair submissions for technical papers, posters & tutorial, workshop, panel proposals set up
- EasyChair Call for Papers published
- Krysta Svore, Microsoft Quantum signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- Jake Taylor, Assistant Director for Quantum Information Science at OSTP signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- Kae Nemoto, National Institute for Informatics (NII), Japan signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- Michelle Simmons, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- Call for exhibitors and supporters published
- Call for technical papers and posters published
- Call for tutorial proposals published
- Call for workshop proposals published
- Call for panel proposals published
Nov 2019
- First keynote speakers signed up
- Alán Aspuru-Guzi,University of Toronto signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- Anne Matsuura, Intel Labs signed up as QCE20 keynote speaker
- TQC and TQE journal venues for best QCE20 papers approved
- IEEE Quantum Week 2020 progress report presented to the IEEE Future Directions Committee in Boston
- QCE20 Conference hotel contract between IEEE MCE/CS & Omni Interlocken Denver-Broomfield, Colorado signed
- Quantum Week Twitter account launched
- First press release and publicity blitz launched
Oct 2019
- IEEE Quantum Week 2020 website launched
- QCE20 Conference EDI statement published
- IEEE Computer Society conference management team onboarded
- Site visit at conference hotel Omni Interlocken Denver-Broomfield, Colorado
- IEEE Quantum Week 2020 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by IEEE Financial Co-Sponsors (FCS) — IEEE Quantum Initiative, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Council on Superconductivity
Sep 2019
- First call for contributions and participation published
- Executive organizing team & their roles defined
- Eight technical program tracks defined
Aug 2019
- IEEE Quantum Week Design Document Version 22 published
June 2019
- IEEE Quantum Week Design Document Version 1 published
May 2019
- The idea of IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering (QCE) or IEEE Quantum Week is born
Jan 2019