About IEEE Quantum Week (QCE20)

Conference Program
IEEE Quantum Week is a multidisciplinary quantum computing venue where attendees have the unique opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities with quantum researchers, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, developers, students, practitioners, educators, programmers, and newcomers.
Now On-Demand IEEE Quantum Week until Nov 30
Even though the live IEEE Quantum Week ended on Oct 16, the QCE20 virtualization platform continues to be accessible until Nov 30 at https://qce20.hubb.me/schedule-builder/home. Check out the QCE20 Final Conference Program. We are thrilled to inform you that 850+ quantum enthusiasts are registered for IEEE Quantum Week.
A big thank to all authors, organizers, presenters, and attendees for all your help, patience, and support in making QCE20 a success! We are thrilled to engage with you in this highly interdisciplinary and inaugural IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE20).
Registered QCE20 attendees can watch and play the recordings of 270+ hours of IEEE Quantum Week Keynotes, Tutorials, Workshops, Technical Paper presentations, Poster presentations, Panel & Birds-of-Feather discussions until the end of November. We are thrilled to inform you that 850+ quantum enthusiasts registered and attended the live event.
If you missed the live event, it is not too late!
You can enjoy 270 hours of IEEE Quantum Week programming ON-DEMAND until Nov 30, 2020 at reduced registration rates.
QCE20 Synopsis
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE20) invites contributions and participation from the international quantum community to form a world-class program. The multi-faceted event will include a series of world-class keynotes, technical paper presentations, workforce-building tutorials, community-building workshops, posters, exhibits featuring the latest technologies and accomplishments from the world’s leading vendors, research organizations, and universities as well as virtual networking rooms. IEEE Quantum Week aims to showcase quantum research, practice, applications, standards, education, and training. The extensive topics include quantum programming systems, software engineering methods & tools, algorithms, NISQ, benchmarks & metrology, performance metrics, hardware engineering, architectures, & topologies, hardware-software co-design, software stack & infrastructure, hybrid computing (integrating quantum & classical computing); communications, sensing, cryptography, QKD; simulating chemical, physical and biological systems; quantum photonics & optics; optimization, machine learning, ramping up the quantum workforce, nurturing quantum start-ups.
- IEEE Quantum Week 2020 General Chair Hausi A. Müller, University of Victoria — hausimuller@gmail.com
- IEEE Quantum Initiative & Quantum Program Manager Terence Martinez — t.c.martinez@ieee.org
Quantum Week at a Glance
QCE20 Advance Program by Day
QCE20 Technical Program Entities
- Keynotes Program
- Technical Papers Program
- Tutorials Program
- Workshops Program
- Panels Program
- Exhibits Program
- Posters Program
Call for Contributions
Quantum Week Committees
- Organizing Committee
- Technical Program Board
- Technical Program Committee
- Tutorials Committee
- Workshops Committee
- Steering Committee
Press Releases
Keynote Speakers
Proceedings & Best Papers
- Papers accepted by IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering (QCE20) will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
- The best papers will be invited to the journals IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (TQE) and ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (TQC).
- QCE20 will award one Best Paper Award for each of the eight Technical Program Tracks. The award for a QCE20 Best Paper will be presented in the plenary session of the morning keynote on the day the paper is being presented.