QCE20 Sessions Explorer
This QCE20 Sessions Explorer will help you onboard to the Hubb virtual platform. Its functionality and filters are similar to the Hubb Sessions Explorer you will encounter during IEEE Quantum Week. Explore the QCE20 Sessions by searching and filtering for your favorite people, topics, and keywords. For example, use Filters, such as Keynotes, Tutorials, Workshops, or Exhibits, to find the sessions of program tracks for the Week or a Day. Use the Search Text Box to search for specific paper or poster sessions, such "QIA" or " POS3" to list the Technical Papers in the Quantum Information and Algorithms track or Poster Session 3. Search for "Matsuura" to display the sessions where Keynote Speaker Anne Matsuura, Intel Labs is featured. Search for IBM, Microsoft, or Honeywell to find the sessions our Platinum sponsors are featured.
QCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomBluefors Exhibits
Bluefors — Scheduled Exhibits
Bluefors RoomPasqal Exhibits
Pasqal — Scheduled Exhibits
Pasqal RoomScheduled Birds of Feather Session
Open BoF Session
Hawk RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomIBM Quantum Exhibits
IBM Quantum — Scheduled Exhibits
IBM RoomColdQuanta Exhibits
ColdQuanta — Scheduled Exhibits
ColdQuanta RoomQDevil Exhibits
QDevil — Scheduled Exhibits
QDevil RoomIEEE TQE Open Access Journal Exhibits
IEEE TQE — Scheduled Exhibits
IEEE-TQE RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Professionals
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomHike the Rockies
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomHonywell Exhibits
Honeywell Quantum Solutions — Scheduled Exhibits
Honeywell RoomNC-State Exhibits
NC-State — Scheduled Exhibits
NC-State RoomACM TQC Journal Exhibits
ACM TQC — Scheduled Exhibits
ACM-TQC RoomScheduled Birds of Feather Session
Open BoF Session
Hawk RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Experts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomSki the Rockies
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomQuantropi Exhibits
Quantropi — Scheduled Exibits
Quantropi RoomIntel Labs Exhibits
Intel Labs — Scheduled Exibits
Intel-Labs RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Colorado Room
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomKeynote Speaker Patty Lee , Honeywell Quantum Solutions
Keysight Technologies Exhibits
Keysight — Scheduled Exhibits
Keysight RoomToptica Exhibits
Toptica — Scheduled Exhibits
Toptica RoomOxford Instruments Exhibits
Oxford Instruments — Scheduled Exhibits
Oxford-Inst RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomHoneywell Quantum Solutions Exhibits
Honeywell Quantum Solutions — Scheduled Exhibits
Honeywell RoomQ-Ctrl Exhibits
Q-Ctrl — Scheduled Exhibits
Q-Ctrl RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Professionals
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomHike the Rockies
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomMicrosoft Quantum Exhibits
Microsft Quantum — Scheduled Exhibits
Microsoft RoomXanadu Exhibits
Xanadu — Scheduled Exhibits
Xanadu RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Experts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomSki the Rockies
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomIBM Quantum Exhibits
IBM Quantum — Scheduled Exhibits
IBM RoomZapata Quantum Computing Exhibits
Zapata Computing — Scheduled Exhibits
Zapata RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Colorado Room
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 Roomnetlabs Exhibits
netlabs — Scheduled Exhibits
Netlabs RoomDelft Circuits Exhibits
Delft Circuits —Scheduled Exhibits
Delft-Circuits RoomOxford Instruments Exhibits
Oxford Instruments —Scheduled Exhibits
Oxford-Inst RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Beautiful Colorado
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomMicrosoft Quantum Exhibits
Microsoft Quantum — Scheduled Exhibits
Microsoft RoomToptica Exhibits
Toptica — Scheduled Exhibits
Toptica RoomZurich Instruments Exhibits
Zurich Instruments — Scheduled Exhibits
Zurich-Inst RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Professionals
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Beautiful Colorado — Hike the Rockies
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomIBM Quantum Exhibits
IBM Quantum — Scheduled Exhibits
IBM RoomZapata Quantum Computing Exhibits
Zapata — Scheduled Exhibits
Zapata RoomNetworking Session — Meet Quantum Experts
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking Session — Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Beautiful Colorado — Ski the Rockies
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomHoneywell Quantum Solutions Exhibits
Honeywell Quantum Solutions — Scheduled Exhibits
Honeywell RoomXanadu Exhibits
Xanadu — Scheduled Exhibits
Xanadu RoomNetworking Session — Meet Quantum Experts
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking Session — Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Beautiful Colorado — Enjoy Nature
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomNetworking Session — Meet Quantum Experts
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking Session — Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Beautiful Colorado — Enjoy Nature
Beautiful Colorado Session
Rockies RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQ-Ctrl Exhibits
Q-Ctrl — Scheduled Exhibits
Q-Ctrl RoomBluefors Exhibits
Bluefors — Scheduled Exhibits
Bluefors RoomDelft-Circuits Exhibits
Delft-Circuits — Scheduled Exhibits
Delft-Circuits RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Colorado Room
Relax in Beautiful Colorado
Rockies RoomCombinatorial Optimization on Quantum Computers—Part 1
Zapata Computing Exhibits
Zapata — Scheduled Exhibits
Zapata RoomIntel Labs Exhibits
Intel Labs — Scheduled Exhibits
Intel-Labs RoomPasqal Exhibits
Pasqal — Scheduled Exhibits
Pasqal RoomACM TQC Journal Exhibits
ACM TQC — Scheduled Exhibits
ACM-TQC RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Professionals
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomHike the Rockies
Relax in Beautiful Colorado — Hike the Rockies
Rockies RoomCombinatorial Optimization on Quantum Computers—Part 2
Quantropi Exhibits
Quantropi — Scheduled Exhibits
Quantropi RoomColdQuanta Exhibits
ColdQuanta — Scheduled Exhibits
ColdQuanta RoomIEEE TQE Journal Exhibits
IEEE TQE Journal — Scheduled Exhibits
IEEE-TQE RoomScheduled Birds of Feather Session
BoF: Quantum Education
Hawk RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Professionals
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomHike the Rockies
Relax in Beautiful Colorado — Ski the Rockies
Rockies RoomCombinatorial Optimization on Quantum Computers—Part 3
Microsoft Quantum Exhibits
Microsoft Quantum — Scheduled Exhibits
Microsoft RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Colorado Room
Relax in Beautiful Colorado — Enjoy Nature
Rockies RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Colorado Room
Relax in Beautiful Colorado — Enjoy Nature
Rockies RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomIBM Quantum Exhibits
IBM Quantum — Scheduled Exhibits
IBM RoomNC State Exhibits
NC-State — Scheduled Exhibits
NC-State RoomQDevil Exhibits
QDevil — Scheduled Exhibits
QDevil RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Enthusiasts
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomRelax in Colorado Room
Relax in Beautiful Colorado
Rockies RoomMicrosoft Quantum Exhibits
Microsoft Quantum — Scheduled Exhibits
Microsoft RoomKeysight Technologies Exhibits
Keysight — Scheduled Exhibits
Keysight RoomScheduled Birds of Feather Session
BoF: Quantum Science Centers, LANL, ORNL
Hawk RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Professionals
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomHike the Rockies
Relax in Beautiful Colorado — Hike the Rockies
Rockies RoomHoneywell Quantum Solutions Exhibits
Honeywell quantum Solutions — Scheduled Exhibits
Honeywell RoomQuantropi Exhibits
Quantropi — Scheduled Exhibits
Quantropi RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Professionals
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomHike the Rockies
Relax in Beautiful Colorado — Ski the Rockies
Rockies RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomNetworking 2: Meet Quantum Professionals
Networking Session
WiseOwl2 RoomHike the Rockies
Relax in Beautiful Colorado — Enjoy Nature
Rockies RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomBluefors Exhibits
Bluefors — Scheduled Exhibits
Bluefors RoomPasqal Exhibits
Pasqal — Scheduled Exhibits
Pasqal RoomScheduled Birds of Feather Session
Open BoF Session
Hawk RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomIBM Quantum Exhibits
IBM Quantum — Scheduled Exhibits
IBM RoomColdQuanta Exhibits
ColdQuanta — Scheduled Exhibits
ColdQuanta RoomQDevil Exhibits
QDevil — Scheduled Exhibits
QDevil RoomIEEE TQE Open Access Journal Exhibits
IEEE TQE — Scheduled Exhibits
IEEE-TQE RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomHonywell Exhibits
Honeywell Quantum Solutions — Scheduled Exhibits
Honeywell RoomNC-State Exhibits
NC-State — Scheduled Exhibits
NC-State RoomACM TQC Journal Exhibits
ACM TQC — Scheduled Exhibits
ACM-TQC RoomScheduled Birds of Feather Session
Open BoF Session
Hawk RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 RoomQuantropi Exhibits
Quantropi — Scheduled Exibits
Quantropi RoomIntel Labs Exhibits
Intel Labs — Scheduled Exibits
Intel-Labs RoomNetworking 1: Meet Quantum Newcomers
Networking Session
WiseOwl1 RoomQCE20 Welcome and Onboarding
Welcome, Onboarding Video
Discover1 RoomQCE20 Daily Sessions Overview & Announcements
Daily Sessions Overview, Announcements, Quote of the Day
Discover2 Room