Call for Contributions
With your contributions and your participation, together we can build a premier meeting to advance quantum computing, engineering, and technology.
QCE Flyer – PDF
EasyChair Call for Contributions – CFP
Technical Papers Tracks
Call for Technical Papers
IEEE Quantum Week aims to be a leading venue for presenting high-quality original research, ground-breaking innovations, and compelling insights in quantum computing, engineering, and technologies. Technical papers are peer-reviewed and can be on any topic related to quantum computing, engineering, and technologies. IEEE Quantum Week includes the following technical paper tracks:
- Quantum Communications, Sensing, Cryptography
- Quantum Photonics and Optics
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Algorithms & Information
- Quantum Applications and Simulating Nature
- Quantum Engineering
- Quantum Benchmarks & Measurements
- Quantum Education
Proceedings & Best Papers
- Papers accepted by IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering (QCE20) will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
- The QCE20 best papers will be invited to the journals IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (TQE) and ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (TQC).
- QCE20 will award one Best Paper Award for each of the eight Technical Program Tracks. The award for a QCE20 Best Paper will be presented in the plenary session of the morning keynote on the day the paper is being presented.
Exhibitors and Supporters
Exhibitor and supporter landing page
Exhibitor and supporter brochure
IEEE Quantum Week aims to provide attendees the unique opportunity to see the latest quantum technologies that will shape our exciting quantum future. Exhibits will feature the latest quantum technologies and accomplishments from the world’s leading companies, start-ups, national labs, research institutes, and universities. Exhibits are a great opportunity to showcase emerging products, tools, services, and posters. The Quantum Week exhibits will feature daily receptions to facilitate networking with participants of the rapidly growing quantum computing community.
Call for Tutorials
The shortage of skilled labor is one of the quantum computing sector’s greatest challenges. The week-long tutorials program, with half- and full-day tutorials by leading experts, is aimed squarely at workforce development and training considerations. The tutorials are ideally suited to develop quantum champions for industry, academia, government, and build expertise for emerging quantum ecosystems. IEEE Quantum Week will cover a broad range of topics in quantum computing and technologies including a lineup of fantastic hands-on tutorials on programming and applications.
Call for Workshops
IEEE Quantum Week Workshops provide forums for small-group discussions on topics in quantum research, practice, education, and applications. Workshops provide opportunities for researchers to exchange and discuss scientific and engineering ideas at an early stage before they have matured to warrant a conference or journal publication. In this manner, an IEEE Quantum Week workshop serves as an incubator for a scientific community to form a research roadmap or share a research agenda. Workshops are the key to sustaining, growing and evolving IEEE Quantum Week in the future.
Panels and Technical Briefings
Call for panels
IEEE Quantum Week aims to facilitate enlightening and impactful discussions among experts on different perspectives of quantum topics including hardware-software co-design, hybrid computing, quantum information science, programming education & training, or frontiers of quantum algorithms.
Call for Posters
The IEEE Quantum Week Posters program presents excellent opportunities for practitioners, researchers, graduate students, entrepreneurs, and start-ups to showcase their work and engage with the international quantum computing R&D community during the IEEE Quantum Week Exhibits.
Quantum Week Topics — including, but not limited to …
Quantum Computing — Quantum programming, software engineering; quantum advantage; development environments, languages & tools; software stack & infrastructure; hybrid computing; adiabatic computing; hardware-software co-design; quantum simulators; checking quantum computers Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Computation & Quantum Information — Quantum information science; NISQ algorithms; quantum advantage; algorithms & complexity; theoretical & empirical algorithm analysis; adiabatic annealing; Hamiltonian dynamics Quantum Applications & Simulating Nature — NISQ applications; simulations of chemical, biological & physical systems; quantum chemistry & materials; optimization problems—transportation, supply chain & logistics; AI and decision making; medicine & precision health; financial modeling, services & portfolio management; manufacturing & mining; machine learning & big data analytics Quantum Engineering — Quantum computers, hardware & NISQ; superconducting & trapped ion circuits; topological & silicon spin qubits; quantum dots; connectivity & topology, quantum error correction Quantum Benchmarks & Measurements — Quantum measures & benchmarks, quantum volume & fidelity; quantum metrology; gate & measurement errors; connectivity & topology; quantum error correction; randomized benchmarking; quantum control; quantum standards Quantum Communications, Sensing & Cryptography — Communications theory; quantum internet; quantum signal processing; quantum error correction & mitigation; coding theory; quantum security & privacy; quantum cryptography & quantum key distribution (QKD), post-quantum cryptography; teleportation Quantum Photonics & Optics — Quantum photonics & optics; photonics information technologies; photonics quantum computing; quantum integrated photonics; quantum photonics devices; optical quantum communications theory; optical coherence; silicon quantum photonics Quantum Education & Training — Ramping up quantum workforce; undergraduate & graduate courses in quantum computing, information science, algorithms, applications; quantum standards; quantum teachers training; quantum summer schools; quantum ecosystems