Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFs) Committee

QCE20 VirtualWe greatly appreciate the dedication, commitment, and hard work of the Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions Committee Committee in recruiting and reviewing BoFs in the process of developing and orchestrating a stimulating BoFs Program among experts on different perspectives of quantum topics for the inaugural IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering (QCE20). QCE20 BoFs program presents excellent networking opportunities for graduate students, undergraduate students, researchers, and practitioners to engage with the international quantum computing R&D community.

BoFs Committee Chair

Hausi Muller
Hausi Müller, QCE20 General Chair & IEEE Quantum Initiative Co-Chair, University of Victoria

BoFs Committee Members

  • Greg Byrd, QCE20 Program Board Chair, North Carolina State University
  • Candace Culhane, QCE20 Finance Chair & IEEE Quantum Initiative Co-Chair, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
  • Erik DeBenedictis, QCE20 Panels Co-Chair & IEEE Quantum Initiative Co-Chair, Zettaflops LLC
  • Travis Humble, QCE20 Workshops Co-Chair & IEEE Quantum Initiative Co-Chair, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)