
Quantum Week Mobile App

Use the Quantum Week 2020 Mobile App to connect with attendees and exhibitors, plan your week, and navigate the conference – all in one place. The mobile app will be available soon.

QCE20 Graphics for Websites and Apps

QCE20 Website Banner
QCE20 Website Banner

QCE20 Badges

<p>Please display this Quantum Week 2020 Badge below on your website and link to For example, by embedding this html code in your website:
<img src="" alt="QCE20" width="150" height="150" /></p>

Oblong Twitter QCE20 Registration Open Badge 1024×512

Square QCE20 Registration Open Badge 1200×1200

Quantum Week 2020 Badge 150x150
QCE20 Badge 150×150

Quantum Week 2020 Badge 150x150
QCE20 Badge 150×150

Twitter Follow Button

Embed Twitter Follow button in your website:
<a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @IEEEQuantumWeek</a><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Quantum Week 2020 Twitter 150x150
Quantum Week 2020 Twitter 150×150

Bloch Sphere Qubit 150x150
Bloch Sphere Qubit 150×150

Quantum Week 2020 Badge 400x400
Quantum Week 2020 Badge 400×400

Quantum Week 2020 Twitter 400x400
Quantum Week 2020 Twitter 400×400

Bloch Sphere Qubit 400x400
Bloch Sphere Qubit 150×150